ASN Export Version 3.0.0 includes:
- {{dcterms:tableOfContents}} data element which links to that documents manifest file (statement order/easy parsing)
- New {{asn:identifier}} data element contains PURL URI if previously assigned
- New URI's which enable content negotiation
- xml:lang attributes are now included on every literal value
- {{dcterms:license}} and {{asn:exportVersion}} are now non-literals
- {{dcterms:created}} data element changed to {{dcterms:valid}}
- {{dc:subject}} data element changed to {{dcterms:subject}}
- {{dc:description}} data element changed to {{dcterms:description}}
- {{dc:language}} data element changed to {{dcterms:language}} and is now a non-literal value
- Removed all {{rdf:Seq}} and {{rdf:li}} resource groupings. {{gemq:hasChild}} data element remains (for statement ordering see manifest URI ({{dcterms:tableOfContents}}))
- {{asn:fileCreated}} replaced by {{asn:repositoryDate}}